PVCS Introduction

Primary Vision Care Services (PVCS) was founded by an optometrist with a vision to improve access to quality vision care at the best possible price facilitated by a simple administration process.

The PVCS Vision Care Concept: Quality Eye Care WHEN NEEDED!

Sometime in the history of vision care coverage, a decision was made to limit benefits to once a year. Countless individuals seeking care under this limitation have complained and suffered as a result. No company had addressed the issue until PVCS was established. The key element in the PVCS VisionAdvantage benefit design is continuing eligibility, or the ability to receive covered services after the initial service at no additional cost. PVCS’ philosophy of "access to eye care services when needed" is the single most important element in delivering QUALITY in a vision care benefit. A significant number of current plan members take advantage of this benefit, and thoroughly endorse PVCS as a result. Plan providers are especially pleased with this concept as it allows them the earliest possible access to solve the patient’s problem and the opportunity to monitor the result. Along with this concept is continuing eyewear coverage. As many pair of glasses and/or an annual supply of contact lenses within the plan year will all covered by the plan wholesale purchase benefit.

VisionAdvantage – The PVCS Plan That Meets Vision Care Needs

Improving access to quality vision care at the best possible price facilitated by a simple administration process provides agents with an excellent selling focus for their clients.

  • VisionAdvantage features respond directly to the employer and employee demands for vision plans - quality eye care services, choice in eyewear materials, reasonable cost, independent doctors, convenient locations, and simple administration.
  • VisionAdvantage is offered through a cooperative of quality doctors to contracted organizations as a benefit for their employees. This unique concept of cooperative services by independent Optometrists offers the lowest possible price for quality services with the most convenient pay arrangement possible.
  • VisionAdvantage is eligible for administration under the provisions of Internal Revenue Service Code 125 (Cafeteria Plans).
  • VisionAdvantage is streamlined, simple, and easy-to-understand; start-up and administration of the plan has been established for convenience and hassle-free use by all concerned: Agent, employer, employee, and doctor.
  • Agents will find VisionAdvantage provides an excellent stand-alone vision care product, or an outstanding supplemental vision care product, to be included in their client’s benefits portfolio. VisionAdvantage is an easy plan to explain and understand. The agent is not burdened with difficult plan options or combinations of services and materials cluttered with varying co-payments to keep straight and to explain. The plan concept of continuous service or "access to service when you need it" is a huge marketing tool; no more once a year use limitation. The plan’s simplicity of services, materials, and cost helps sell itself. The panel of doctors through which VisionAdvantage is available contributes additional integrity and quality to an already excellent plan; further, the ability of PVCS to expand coverage and recruit network panel doctors is exceptional due to PVCS' reputation.
  • The employer client will find VisionAdvantage is a comprehensive, easy to understand plan with unique cost containment features and ease of administration.
  • The client’s employees and dependents will find VisionAdvantage provides a wide choice of doctors, continuing quality service, selection of materials, wholesale prices, and ease of obtaining and using services.
  • For all plan participants, VisionAdvantage’s administrative approach reduces paperwork to a minimum.

Commissions and Payments

Agent commissions are paid on the gross revenues generated by the agent and paid to PVCS on or before the monthly due date. PVCS issues a monthly commission check to the agent based on the monthly gross revenue (Agent has no need to bill PVCS) reducing the time from monthly premium revenue received by PVCS to commission paid to agent to a minimum.

The Company

PVCS is an Oklahoma-based, small business corporation that has provided essential vision care services to tens of thousands since 1994. Headquartered in Lawton, Oklahoma, the company conducts business and provides services throughout Oklahoma and many surrounding states. Since its beginning, PVCS has grown into a responsive vision care service organization with over 500 participating doctors.

  • PVCS is an Oklahoma Corporation
  • PVCS is not an insurance company. Rather, it is regulated by the Oklahoma State Department of Health as a Qualified Utilization Review Program under the provisions of OAL 310:657.
  • PVCS provides and manages a unique vision plan called VisionAdvantage.
  • PVCS offers VisionAdvantage Plan through a cooperative of quality, independent optometrists & opthalmologists, to contracting organizations as a benefit for their employees.

Organization and Management Team

  • PVCS Organization:

CEO/President - Our Company President and Chief Executive Officer, Richard S. Swales, O.D., brings to the company and the management team, the strength of many years of experience of practicing and providing vision care services, and designing and managing the PVCS Vision Care Services Plan as Plan Administrator. He is acutely aware of both doctor and patient frustrations with existing, routine vision care benefit plans; this insight led him to create the PVCS concept in vision care. He is committed and dedicated to providing effective leadership and support to all PVCS programs and contracts.

Finance and Administration - John Purcell, our Vice President, Finance & Administration, reports directly to Dr. Swales. Mr. Purcell has many years of experience, in military and commercial program management, finance and administration. He has established and implemented the current operating systems philosophy, policy and processes; developing and implementing claims processing policy and procedures; and, servicing the day-to-day PVCS program operations and management functions. He has the background, extensive knowledge of the plan, and expertise to provide outstanding program leadership to all PVCS contracts.

Under Mr. Purcell's direct program management are Client Services Specialists and Accounting personnel to insure that clients (employer, employee, and doctor) are efficiently and effectively serviced.

Professional Relations - Dr. Swales concurrently acts as the Vice President, Professional Relations and Medical Director. Being a successful, highly experienced practicing optometrist gives him deep insight into the routine and non-routine situations that may arise within the day-to-day technical operation of vision care. He has the expertise and comfort level to deal with doctors on a professional, one on one basis, while maintaining the patient's best interests, and the employers concerns for service and cost effectiveness and efficiency. This combination of functions provides added strength to the plan.

Marketing and Business Development - Vice President, Marketing, Thomas Rheinlander, has 40 years of extensive experience in human resources, benefit administration, management services, and marketing background. He joined the PVCS management team to establish and provide new and innovative approaches to business development and marketing of the plan. He is available to support all PVCS programs and contracts.

This organizational structure represents a cost-effective mix of technical, management, supervisory, and administrative skills combined in a streamlined organization that can be easily tailored to meet and support the requirements of any client.

  • Qualifications and Experience

PVCS has been engaged in the vision care services for 25 years. We know how to perform and deliver vision care services. We have a significant in-place provider network of over 450 locations. Additionally, PVCS has a demonstrated ability to expand coverage and recruit panel doctors in a short period of time when the demand or requirement arises.


The most compelling reasons for selecting Primary Vision Care Services, Inc

Specific Experience

PVCS has many years of company and panel combined direct experience providing outstanding quality and cost effective vision care service.

Mobilization Experience

PVCS has started and successfully operated over 100 contracts, on time, within budget.

Doctor Participation

PVCS recruits independent optometrists who meet rigid standards. We are proud of the panel of network doctors provided through the plan. We have been able to recruit panel members for new coverage areas in exceptionally short periods of time due to the plan's reputation.

Management Resources

PVCS has an in-place outstanding management team experienced in vision care services and program management. These managers have demonstrated superior knowledge, skills, creativeness, leadership, and customer orientation.

Our success is measured by customer satisfaction

PVCS quality support program and internal audit programs are designed to ensure customer satisfaction. We pledge customer satisfaction.

PVCS is confident that our VisionAdvantage Plan provides an outstanding quality vision care service benefit at a fair and reasonable price and welcomes the opportunity to answer any questions.